
HOPESTER inc. is able to actively engage in the issues facing our community thanks to a small core group of investors that believe deeply in the power of HOPE to change lives. 

If you are interested in becoming a financial investor in HOPESTER inc. you can send an email to or click on the donate button bellow. Become a HOPESTER Hero today!

Give to Hope

As winter emerges, there's an urgent call to provide those without a home warmth. A simple gift of a new coat can change lives.

The M Street Low Barrier Shelter Will be distributing the coats as needed.

You can drop off New Coats (sizes L-XXXL) at 2900 M St., Bakersfield, CA 93301 or donate today! 

Winter Coat Drive

Coats for homeless

If you're looking for a place to get involved, come join us in handing out coffee at the Low Barrier Navigation Center. There's nothing like offering a good cup of coffee to warm the heart.

Every Monday & Wednesday morning from 8-9am we are handing out cups of coffee to those living at the M St. Homeless Shelter.

We would love for you to come & join us!

hand out coffee

Hand out coffee

Send it

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